Postpartum thryoiditis (PPT) is a disorder that can affect a woman following a pregnancy.
Features of postpartum thyroiditis:
(1) thyroid dysfunction
(1a) pattern 1: biphasic transient hyperthyroidism then hypothyroidism
(1b) pattern 2: monophasic transient hyperthyroidism
(1c) pattern 3: monophasic hypothyroidism, which may be transient or persistent
(2) onset during the first year after delivery
(3) lymphocytic thyroiditis
(4) exclusion of Graves's disease
(1) Type 1 diabetes mellitus and/or other autoimmune disease
(2) antithyroid antibodies present during the first trimester of the pregnancy (antibody to thyroid peroxidase and/or thyroglobulin)
Clinical manifestation of the hyperthyroid phase:
(1) palpitations and/or tachycardia
(2) nervousness
(3) fatigue
(4) heat intolerance
(5) weight loss
(6) tremor
(7) irritability
Clinical manifestation of the hypothyroid phase:
(1) fatigue and lethargy
(2) dry skin and hair
(3) impaired memory
(4) depression
(5) cold intolerance
(6) constipation
Specialty: Endocrinology, Clinical Laboratory
ICD-10: ,