
Young et al reported a classification of pelvic ring fractures. They correlated these with the direction of applied force.

Direction and Nature of Force

Shared Feature

anterior posterior compression (APC)

separation of the symphysis pubis

lateral compression (LC)

vertical sacral fracture through the sacral foramina AND fracture of the superior and inferior rami

vertical shear (VS)

ipsilateral fracture of superior and inferior rami AND separation of sacroiliac joint AND separation of iliolumbar ligament

APC Types

Additional Features

Type I

minor separation of the symphysis pubis

Type II

major separation of the symphysis pubis AND damage to the sacroiliac joint AND separation of the sacrotuberous/sacrospinous ligaments

Type III

major separation of the symphysis pubis AND separation of the sacroiliac joint AND separation of the sacrotuberous/sacrospinous ligaments

LC Types

Additional Features

Type I

separation of the iliolumbar ligament

Type II

fracture of the wing of the ilium

Type III

fracture of the wind of the ilium AND contralateral fractures of the superior and inferior rami AND separation of the sacrotuberous/sacrospinous ligaments AND damage to the ipsilateral sacroiliac joint


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