
Vogel et al classified the causes for true macroglossia. The authors are from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Harvard Medical School.

True macroglossia may be either:

(1) congenital (which includes macroglossia secondary to a genetic disorder, malformation,  or tissue heterotopia; may or may not be clinically evident at birth)

(2) acquired


Causes of true macroglossia:

(1) vascular malformation (affecting lymphatics, veins or capillaries)

(1a) capillary hemangioma

(1b) lymphangioma

(1c) lymphangiohemangioma

(1d) venous malformations

(2) muscular hypertrophy and/or hyperplasia

(2a) hemihypertrophy

(2b) Beckwith-Wiedermann syndrome (with exophthalmos and gigantism)

(3) infiltration secondary to a inherited metabolic disorder

(3a) mucopolysaccharidosis

(4) acquired systemic disorder

(4a) amyloidosis

(4b) acromegaly (gigantism) with generalized hypertrophy of intrinsic elements

(4c) hematoma secondary to a systemic bleeding disorder

(4d) infection (syphilitic gumma, abscess, tuberculoma)

(5) local reactive change (usually transient)

(5a) edema

(5b) vascular congestion

(5c) thermal or chemical burn

(5d) traumatic

(5e) allergic/hypersensitivity response

(5f) perioperative (congestion due to position, trauma from intra-oral tubing)

(6) cysts and benign tumors

(6a) dermoid cyst

(6c) lingual cyst

(6c) rhabdomyoma

(7) malignant tumors

(7a) squamous cell carcinoma

(7b) malignant lymphoma

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