Major leak - one or more of the following:
(1) direct cause of death
(2) spreading peritonitis (not limited, diffuse)
(3) sepsis with one or more organ failures
Moderate leak - one or more of the following:
(1) confined to the perianastomotic site or pelvis
(2) diameter of accumulation > 5 cm
(3) sepsis with moderate severity
(4) morbidity resulting in prolonged hospitalization
Minor leak - any of the following and does not meet criteria for moderate or major leak:
(1) no or limited morbidity
(2) limited, short-term fecal drainage
(3) diameter of accumulation <= 5 cm (based on size criteria for moderate leak)
(4) incidentally discovered sinus tract
(5) minor extravasation seen on an imaging study of the anastomosis