
Moore et al divided angiodysplasia and arteriovenous malformations of the gastrointestinal tract into 3 types based upon the distribution of the lesions and clinical findings. The authors are from the University of Michigan.


Clinical Features

Location of Malformations


adult >= 55 years of age

right side of colon (cecum, ascending colon)


young adult (onset of symptoms before the age of 50)

stomach or proximal small intestine


any age, family history, spontaneous epistaxis

proximal GI tract; telangiectasia of skin in face and fingers; mucosal telangiectasia in the mouth and nares




• Type 3 = hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (Osler-Weber-Rendu Syndrome)

• These lesions are distinct from hemangiomas of the GI tract.


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