Types of reactions:
(1) asymptomatic with fever only
(2) symptomatic
(2a) inflammatory (chills, rigors, feeling cold)
(2b) allergic (cutaneous reaction with urticaria, pruritis, flushing, erythema, etc)
(2c) other (respiratory, cardiovascular, and/or gastrointestinal signs and symptoms with inflammatory and/or cutaneous manifestations).
(2d) mixed
• Fever was defined bas an increase in temperature >= 1°C.
• The "other" category is defined as including TRALI, transfusion-related sepsis and anaphylaxis.
• It is a little unclear why anaphylaxis is not allergic and sepsis is not inflammatory.
• The definition of "other reaction" on page 558 of Heddle 2002 (accompanied by inflammatory and/or cutaneous manifestations") implies a mixed reaction.
• The kappa analysis for interobserver reliability was good at 0.84. The kappa was 0.74 for agreement in the initial adjucation process.