
Grossman reported a classification for bronchitis. The author is from the University of Toronto.



FEV1 as Percent of Predicted


no underlying structural disease, usually self-limited

>= 50%

acute tracheobronchitis

increased sputum volume and purulence with <= 3 exacerbations per year and significant comorbidity

>= 50%

simple chronic bronchitis

increased sputum volume and purulence with one or more findings (see below)


complicated chronic bronchitis

continuous sputum production throughout the year


chronic bronchial infection


Findings associated with complicated chronic bronchitis - one or more of the following:

(1) >= 4 exacerbations per year

(2) FEV1 < 50% of predicted

(3) advanced age

(4) significant comorbidity (diabetes mellitus, chronic renal disease, congestive heart failure, chronic liver disease, cancer, etc)


With increasing severity there is:

(1) a greater need to treat with antibiotics

(2) a greater risk for encountering antibiotic resistance

(3) greater risk for morbidity and mortality


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