Farkas at al used ultrasonography to determine the amount for free peritoneal fluid in a patient. The authors are from the PREHAEAT European Union Network.
Ultrasonographic examination:
(1) With the patient supine, evaluate the subdiaphragmatic region, the pelvic region, the peritoneum and retroperitoneum.
(2) With the patient in the lateral decubitus position, evaluate the peritoneum and retroperitoneum.
(3) If the amount of fluid is large, evaluate the peritoneum and retroperitoneum with the person standing.
Free Fluid Findings
Douglas cul de sac, with or without fluid in the subhepatic and/or subphrenic spaces
as for small, with fluid in the sublienal space and about the loops of intestine; intestinal wall swollen (> 5 mm)
loops of intestine floating in the fluid
• Sublienal indicates below the spleen.
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