Normally the vitelline and urachal ducts regress with fibrous obliteration. DiSantis et al used a simple classification system to describe abnormalities involving patent remnants fo the vitelline or urachal duct. The authors are from DePaul Medical Center (Norfolk), Eastern Virginia Medical School, Washington University and Children's Hospital of the King's Daughters.
Patient selection: persistent vitelline (omphalomesenteric) or urachal duct
Patent Portion
Closed Portion
entire duct
Type 1
visceral (proximal) end
skin (distal) end
Type 2
skin (distal) end
visceral (proximal) end
Type 2
skin and visceral ends
Type 3
• One possibility not mentioned was both ends patent with fibrosis of the midportion. This would presumably be a variant of Type 2.
• One modification would be to classify the Type 2 abnormalities as 2a, 2b, and 2c.
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