
Aggrawal reported a classification for necrophilia. This can help to better understand the spectrum of this disorder. The author is from Maulana Azad Medical College in New Delhi.


A necrophile is someone who derives sexual gratification through some form of relationship with someone who is dead.


Groups within the categories:

(1) thinkers

(2) keepers or collectors

(3) touchers

(4) intercoursers



(1) role players (Class I): becomes aroused by someone pretending to be dead

(2) fantasizers (Class III): becomes aroused around the dead and frequents cemeteries or funeral homes


Keepers or collectors:

(1) romantic (Class II): bereaved person who keeps a body part from someone beloved, typically a spouse

(2) fetishistic (Class V): someone who keeps a body part and derives psychosexual stimulation from it unrelated to grief for the donor



(1) tactile (Class IV): becomes aroused by touching a dead body

(2) mutilator or necromutilomaniacs (Class VI): becomes aroused by mutilating a dead body



(1) opportunistic (Class VII): will have sex with the dead if the opportunity presents itself ("any port in a storm")

(2) regular or "classic" (Class VIII): may have intercourse with the living or dead but prefers sex with the dead

(3) homicidal (Class IX): may have intercourse with living or dead persons but will kill to have sex with the body

(4) exclusive (Class X): does not have intercourse with anyone living


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