Transfusion of blood products can results in circulatory overload if the amount or rate of infused products exceeds the body's capacity for handling the influx.
Respiratory findings:
(1) dyspnea
(2) orthopnea
(3) cyanosis
(4) pulmonary edema with rales
(5) chest tightness
Cardiovascular findings:
(1) tachycardia
(2) elevated blood pressure
Other findings:
(1) pedal or dependent edema
(2) headache
Patients at risk:
(1) age extremes (very young and adults > 60 years of age)
(2) cardiac disease, especially heart failure
(3) renal failure
(4) large volume of infused fluids
(5) severe anemia (hemoglobin < 6 g/dL)
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