
The Chronic Lung Disease Severity Index is a symptom-based measure for severity of chronic disease. It can be used to monitor patients with chronic pulmonary disorders and can be used in conjunction with general health-related quality of life indicators.


Patient population evaluated:

(1) chronic bronchitis

(2) asthma

(3) emphysema


The instrument consists of 6 questions.


Responses ranged from 1 (never) to 4 or 5 (severe).



vigorous activity

running, walking up a steep hill, climbing more than 3 flights of stairs, carrying a moderate load on level ground

moderate activity

walking up a gradual hill, climbing less than 3 flights of stairs, carrying a light load on level ground

light activity

walking on level ground, shopping, washing or standing

no activity

at rest, sitting down, lying down


chronic lung disease severity index =

= (points for shortness of breath frequency) + (points for causes of shortness of breath) + (points for wheezing frequency) + (points for causes of wheezing) + (points for cough frequency) + (points for sputum-phlegm production)


shortness of breath subscale =

= (points for shortness of breath frequency) + (points for causes of shortness of breath)


wheezing subscale =

= (points for wheezing frequency) + (points for causes of wheezing)


cough subscale =

= (points for cough frequency) + (points for sputum-phlegm production)


conversion of score to 0-100 scale =

= ((patient score) - (minimum score)) / ((maximum score) - (minimum score)) * 100



• minimum index score: 6, maximum 27

• minimum subscale score: 2, maximum 9

• The higher the score, the worse the symptomatology.


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