
Sobhonslidsuk et al identified factors impacting the quality of life for a patient with chronic liver disease (CLD). These can help to identify patients who may benefit from interventions to improve their lives. The authors are from Mahidol and Thammasat Universities in Bangkok, Thailand.


Patient selection: chronic liver disease in Thailand


Factors associated with higher quality of life:

(1) perception of good health


Factors associated with a lower quality of life:

(1) advanced stage (Child Class C)

(2) older age (cutoff not specified)

(3) female gender

(4) low socioeconomic status

(5) financial burdens



• Being single or divorced was not associated with a worse QOL. The authors hypothesized that close family ties in Thai society might minimize social isolation.

• If good health perception is associated with a higher QOL, then a poor or very poor perception should have a negative impact.


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