
Chorea may be caused by a wide range of conditions, including drugs, toxic and metabolic conditions.

Drugs associated with chorea:

(1) neuroleptics

(2) anti-Parkinsonian drugs

(3) amphetamines

(4) cocaine

(5) tricyclics

(6) oral contraceptives


Toxins which can cause chorea include:

(1) carbon monoxide

(2) alcohol intoxication or withdrawal

(3) manganese

(4) mercury

(5) thallium

(6) toluene


Metabolic conditions that can cause chorea

(1) anoxia

(2) hyperthyroidism

(3) hypoparathyroidism

(4) pregnancy (chorea gravidarum)

(5) hyper or hyponatremia

(6) hypomagnesemia

(7) hypocalcemia

(8) hyper or hypoglycemia

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