
Adult intestinal insufficiency and failure may be caused by a wide range of conditions. This includes a quantitative decrease in the length of bowel available.

Major categories:

(1) congenital

(2) acquired, usually following surgical resection

(3) functional (fistula)


Congenital causes of a short bowel include:

(1) gastroschisis

(2) intestinal atresia

(3) intestinal malformation

(4) omphalocele


Surgical causes of acquired short bowel:

(1) mesenteric infarction

(2) Crohn's disease

(3) radiation enteritis

(4) intestinal volvulus

(5) familial polyposis

(6) abdominal trauma

(7) intestinal angiodysplasia

(8) necrotizing enterocolitis

(9) complicated intussusception

(10) surgical complications


A fistula can bypass an extensive portion of small bowel, effectively reducing the mucosal surface for absorption. An external fistula can also result in significant loss of small bowel contents.

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