
Gottschalk et al reported the Cape Triage Score, which was later released as the South African Trauma Scale. The authors are from the University of Cape Town.

Versions: adult (> 12 year or > 150 cm), child (3 to 12 years or 95-150 cm), infant (< 3 years or < 95 cm)



(1) Triage Early Warning System (TEWS)

(2) mechanism of injury (MOI)

(3) symptoms

(4) anatomy

(5) pain


Triage points:

(1) red (requires resuscitation, physiologically unstable)

(2) orange (serious)

(3) yellow (physiologically stable with significant problem)

(4) green (minor)

(5) blue (dead)


Criteria for red:

(1) TEWS >= 8

(2) entrapment mechanism of injury

(3) status asthmaticus

(4) unresponsive in AVPU (alert, voice, pain, unresponsive)

(5) current seizure

(6) facial burn or inhalation injury

(7) hypoglycemia < 2.2 mmol/L

(8) airway trauma


Criteria for orange:

(1) TEWS 6 or 7

(2) high impact mechanism of injury

(3) asthma, not status asthmaticus

(3) chest pain

(4) arterial hemorrhage

(5) responds to pain in AVPU

(6) post-ictal

(7) psychosis or aggression

(8) limb threatened

(8) dislocation major joint

(9) open fracture

(10) burn > 20%

(11) overdose or poisoning

(12) hematemesis with fresh blood

(13) pregnancy with trauma

(14) trauma to head, neck or torso/trunk

(15) evisceration

(16) severe pain


Criteria for yellow:

(1) TEWS 3 to 5

(2) low impact mechanism of injury

(3) responds to voice in AVPU

(4) dislocation of a minor joint

(5) closed fracture

(6) burn <= 20% or minor

(7) abdominal pain

(8) pregnancy vaginal bleeding

(9) trauma to limb

(10) moderate pain


Criteria for green:

(1) TEWS 0 to 2

(2) alert in AVPU

(3) mild pain

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