
Oldroyd et al reported criteria for when to screen a patient with idiopathic inflammatory myopathy for underlying cancer. The risk category determines what screening should be done and when. The authors are from multiple institutions in the United States and Europe.

Patient selection: idiopathic inflammatory myopathy


Basic cancer screening panel:

(1) comprehensive history and physical exam

(2) complete blood cell count

(3) serum liver function tests

(4) serum ESR and CRP

(5) serum protein electrophoresis

(6) urinalysis

(7) plain AP chest X-ray


Enhanced cancer screening panel:

(1) CT scan of neck, thorax, abdomen and pelvis

(2) cervical PAP exam if female

(3) mammography if female

(4) serum PSA if male

(5) serum CA-125

(6) fecal occult blood test

(7) abdominal and transvaginal ultrasound for ovarian masses


Risk Group

Basic Panel

Enhanced Panel


at baseline



at baseline

at baseline


at baseline and for the next 3 years

at baseline


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