
Yoo et al calculated the tongue volumes in patients based on coronal imaging scans through the tongue. This can help distinguish true from pseudo macroglossia. The authors are from Osaka University in Japan.


Parameters from imaging scan:

(1) thickness of each slice in mm

(2) gap between slices in mm

(3) cross sectional area of each slice in square centimeters


For a total scan there will be N slices and (N-1) gaps.


volume for each slice in cubic centimeters =

= (thickness of each slice in mm) / 10 * (area of slice in square centimeters)


volume for each gap between slices in cubic centimeters =

= (thickness of gap in mm) / 10 * AVERAGE(area of the 2 adjacent slices) =

= (thickness of gap in mm) / 10 * ((area first slice in square cm) + (area second slice in square cm)) / 2


volume of tongue in cubic centimeters =

= SUM(volume each slice) + SUM(volume for each gap between slices)


length of the tongue in the scans in centimeters =

= (((number of slices) * (thickness of slices in mm)) / 10) + (((number of gaps) * (thickness of gaps in mm)) / 10) =

= (((number of slices) * (thickness of slices in mm)) / 10) + ((((number of slices) - 1) * (thickness of gaps in mm)) / 10)


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