The ability of the kidney to clear urea correlates with its level of function. Urea clearance has been largely supplanted by the creatinine clearance.
urea clearance in mL/min =
= ((urine urea output in mg/day) * 100) / ((blood urea in mg/dL) * 1440)
An alternative form is:
= ((urine urea output in mmol/day) * 1000) / ((blood urea in mmol/L) * 1440)
This can be "standardized" to a body surface area of 1.73 square meters in the same way as the creatinine clearance:
standardized urea clearance =
= calculated urea clearance * (1.73 / (BSA in square meters))
• 1.73 is the BSA of the "average-sized" person in square-meters.
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Specialty: Nephrology, Clinical Laboratory