
The daily amount of fluoride intake from the drinking water can be estimated based on the environmental temperature.


daily dose of fluoride in mg per kg body weight =

= (concentration of fluoride in the water in mg per L) * (water intake in liters per kg body weight)


Galagan et al derived an equation for water intake based on temperature:


water intake in L per kg body weight =

= (0.00040423 * (mean maximum temperature in °F)) - 0.0024775


daily dose of fluoride in mg per kg body weight =

= (concentration of fluoride in the water in mg per L) * ((0.00040423 * (mean maximum temperature in °F)) - 0.0024775)



• 1 mg per L is approximately 1 part per million (ppm) since 1 liter weighs 1,000 g.



• Fluid intake would be affected by activity level.

• If a person is in an air conditioned or heated building, the indoor temperature should be used.

• Ingestion of soft drinks and bottled water would be expected to give different fluoride exposure than ingesting tap water.


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