
A person stuck in a small cabin during the winter may experience a psychological reaction called "cabin fever".


(1) The person is confined to a small cabin, often one or two rooms.

(2) The person is unable to go outside because of harsh conditions.


The psychological response may involve a combination of:

(1) claustrophobia

(2) boredom

(3) loneliness

(4) forced inactivity and need to interact


To escape from the negative feelings the person may:

(1) start to sleep more

(2) try to go outside even when weather is inclement


The reaction may be made worse by:

(1) pre-existing mental illness or personality disorder

(2) malnutrition

(3) carbon monoxide from a fire


Similar situations include:

(1) solitary confinement in prison

(2) on-board ship

(3) on an island

(4) on a space vehicle

(5) patient confined to bed

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