
A patient with a history of bowel obstruction or with high risk of bowel obstruction may need to be placed on a "bowel obstruction" diet. This may also be referred to as a low residue diet.

Indications for a bowel obstruction diet:

(1) past history of bowel obstruction

(2) risk factors for bowel obstruction, including intra-abdominal mass or strictures

(3) delayed emptying of the stomach


General guidance for a bowel obstruction diet:

(1) The diet consists primarily of liquids and smooth/pureed low fiber foods.

(2) High-fiber and certain other foods should be avoided. Soluble fiber is acceptable but insoluble fiber may cause problems.

(3) Meals are generally small with small portions, eaten at increased frequency during the day.

(4) Some patients may develop constipation.

(5) Solid foods should be chewed well before swallowing.

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