
The Bouremouth Questionnaire is a brief, comprehensive and easy outcome measure for patients with low back pain. This consists of 7 measures considered important for monitoring patients and is suitable for outpatient practice. The authors are from the Anglo-European College of Chiropractic in Bournemouth, England.


The instrument consists of 7 questions related to back pain over the past week.


Responses: 11 point numerical rating scale (NRS)


Direction of responses: all increasing (a version with both increasing and decreasing response had problems with patients misinterpretation).


0 Point Response

10 Point Response

1 (back pain)

no pain

worst pain possible

2 (daily activities)

no interference

unable to carry out activity

3 (recreation, social activities)

no interference

unable to carry out activity

4 (anxiety)

not at all anxious

extremely anxious

5 (depression)

not at all depressed

extremely depressed

6 (work)

have made it no worse

have made it much worse

7 (control pain on own)

completely control it

no control whatever


total score =

= SUM(points for all 7 measures)



• minimum total score: 0

• maximum total score: 70

• The higher the score the greater the impact of the back pain on the patient's life.



• Good face validity

• High internal consistency (Cronbach alpha 0.9)

• Good test-retest reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient0.95)

• Evaluation of internal longitudinal construct validity indicated responsiveness to clinically significant change.


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