
Travel can be an enjoyable and educational experience for both the traveler and the local inhabitants. The traveler can do her/is part by observing certain things during the trip. The International Society of Travel Medicine has listed several factors that can help a person travel "responsibly."


Features of the responsible traveler:

(1) informed

(2) open-minded and patient

(3) respectful

(4) avoids exploitation

(5) protects the environment

(6) leaves a good impression

(7) travels healthy

Responsible Behavior


Helps the local economy in constructive ways.

Flaunting wealth.

Respects the rights of others.

Exploiting others, especially in labor or as sex objects.

Sensitive to the feelings of others.

Being insensitive to the feelings of others.


Being impatient.

Open-minded and tolerant about the ways of others.

Showing disrespect to the ways of others.

Respects the local environment.

Excessive use of scarce resources. Pollution of the environment.

Addresses others with respect in accordance on local customs

Ignoring local manners of address.

Respects the local religious and social customs.

Ignoring local customs.

Respects local religious sites.

Being irreverent or sacrilegious.

Respects local historical, archeological or environmental sites.

Taking unauthorized souvenirs (stealing).

Learns about local criminal activities and risk factors.

Being an easy victim.


Some things to investigate before traveling to a new country:

(1) attitudes towards public expression of emotions such as anger and affection

(2) dress codes

(3) terms of courtesy and respect

(4) appropriate ways of showing gratitude

(5) religious holidays and observations

(6) attitudes towards being photographed

(7) acceptable ways of sitting, standing and gesturing

(8) attitudes towards tipping, negotiating and reimbursement

(9) local disease and risk factors for transmission


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