Aortic valve prosthesis-patient mismatch (AV PPM) occurs when the effective orifice area (EOA) of the prosthetic valve implanted is less than that of the normal human aortic valve. It is important to estimate the PPM prior to placement of a prosthetic aortic valve since it can affect the prognosis of the patient following the surgery.
(1) effective orifice area (EOA) of the prosthetic valve in square cm
(2) body surface area (BSA) of the patient in square meters
EOA adjusted for BSA in square cm per square meter =
= (EOA of prosthetic valve) / BSA
EOA Adjusted for BSA
Prosthesis-Patient Mismatch (PPM)
> 0.85
none or mild
0.66 to 0.85
<= 0.65
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