
The Churg-Strauss syndrome (allergic granulomatosis and angiitis) involves destructive inflammation of small to medium muscular arteries with fever, hypereosinophilia and a frequent association with asthma. The characteristic "allergic granulomas" are composed of necrotic, eosinophilic exudates, severe fibrinoid collagen changes, and granuloma formation.





history of wheezing or diffuse high-pitched rales on expiration

eosinophilia > 10%


mononeuropathy or polyneuropathy

development of mononeuropathy, multiple mononeuropathies, or polyneuropathy (i.e., glove and stocking distribution) attributable to a systemic vasculitis

pulmonary infiltrates, nonfixed

migratory or transitory pulmonary infiltrates on radiographs (not including fixed infiltrates)

paranasal sinus abnormality

history of acute or chronic paranasal sinus pain or tenderness or radiographic opacification of the paranasal sinuses

extravascular eosinophils

biopsy including artery, arteriole or venule, showing accumulations of eosinophils in extravascular areas


Other findings:

(1) elevated serum IgE levels

(2) may have antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA)

(3) renal involvement less common than gastrointestinal or cardiac involvement

(4) skin manifestations such as palpable purpura, maculopapular rash or subcutaneous nodules



• The presence of 4 or more criteria suggests the diagnosis of Churg-Strauss syndrome.



• The sensitivity is 85% and specificity of 99.7%.

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