
Extravasation of contrast media for imaging studies is relatively common. Kim et al reported an algorithm for management of these patients. The authors are from Ajou University in South Korea.

The occurrence of extravasation injury is higher in adults from 40 to 80 years of age.


Initial patient evaluation: after confirmation of possible extravasation injury, then contact plastic surgery or send the patient to the Emergency Department.



(1) estimated volume of the extravasate in mL

(2) clinical scenario


Estimated Volume

Clinical Scenario


< 50 mL

absence of a sense of pressure


>= 50 mL

absence of compartment syndrome

drainage with multiple slit incision


feeling of severe pressure without compartment syndrome

drainage with multiple slit incisions


suspected compartment syndrome

immediate fasciotomy



• Multiple slit incisions allow for the media to be squeezed out before it can do more tissue damage.

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