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Barnett et al recommended an algorithm for evaluating a patient with an incidentally identified mass in the adrenal gland. The authors noted that the size of a mass is an unreliable predictor of whether a mass is benign or malignant, while newer imaging modalities can be helpful in deciding how to manage a particular patient. The authors are from M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston.



(1) hormone production

(2) MRI

(3) size in centimeters

(4) comorbid conditions in the patient


Decision rules for when to resect an isolated adrenal mass found incidentally:

(1) If the mass is hormonally active.

(2) If the tumor is hormonally inactive and MRI is either indeterminate or malignant.

(3) If the mass is large (>= 4 cm) and the patient does not have significant comorbid conditions.


NOTE: It is important to perform laboratory tests to specifically exclude pheochromocytoma prior to surgery.


Decision rules for when to observe a patient with an isolated adrenal mass found incidentally:

(1) If the mass is hormonally inactive, the MRI suggests benign and the lesion is small (< 4 cm).

(2) If the mass is hormonally inactive, the MRI suggests benign, the lesion is large (>= 4 cm) and the patient has significant comorbid conditions that make resection hazardous.


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