
Occasionally the ingestion of alcohol will trigger a syndrome in a patient with an underlying neoplastic disease, making the patient intolerant to alcohol.

Alcohol intolerance syndromes associated with an underlying neoplastic disease:

(1) pain

(2) bleeding

(3) disulfiram-like reaction

(4) allergic type reaction (flushing, urticaria, anaphylaxis)

(5) cough

(6) pruritis

(7) hiccupping

(8) sudden loss of consciousness

(9) systemic reaction with variable headache, vomiting, diarrhea, sweating or neurological symptoms



(1) onset of reaction shortly after ingestion of alcohol

(2) no reaction to placebo

(3) exclusion of alternative cause for syndrome

(4) identification of an underlying neoplasm

(5) improvement after successful treatment of the neoplasm

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