
Winzer et al used the ratio of the adrenal gland to spleen in contrast-enhanced images of the abdomen. This can help to identify a patient at increased risk of mortality within 72-hours of the imaging study. The authors are from University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus in Dresden and affiliated hospitals.

Patient selection: intensive care unit


Outcome: mortality within 72-hours


Measurement: HU units of contrast-enhanced portal venous CT images using 3 mm slices


Adrenal gland measurements:

(1) Regions of interest in center of each adrenal gland.

(2) Areas of fat are avoided.


Splenic measurements:

(1) Place 3 circular regions of interest with area 2.0 square cm on 3 different axial planes through the cranial, middle and caudal third of the spleen.

(2) Measure HU during portal venous phase.

(3) Infarcts (hypodense triangular regions at periphery) are avoided.


ratio =

= (average HU for adrenal gland) / (average HU for spleen)



• A ratio > 1.37 identifies a patient at increased risk for mortality.



• The area under the ROC curve is 0.97.

• The accuracy depends on carefully selecting the areas for HU measurement.

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