
A number of factors may serve as absolute or relative contraindications for pancreas transplant. Many are shared with other major organ transplant procedures.

Absolute Contraindications

Relative Contraindications

body mass index > 35 kg per sq meter

body mass index 30.1 to 35 kg per sq m


age < 18 years, or age > 65 years


recent retinal hemorrhage


symptomatic cerebrovascular disease


absence of appropriate social support network

hepatitis B disease with active viral replication and hepatic dysfunction

hepatitis C disease with active viral replication and hepatic dysfunction

active infection


positive HIV serology


active, untreated peptic ulcer disease


ongoing substance abuse

active smoking

major, ongoing and untreated psychiatric disorder


history of significant medical noncompliance


unable or unwilling to provide informed consent


insufficient cardiovascular reserve, uncorrectable coronary artery disease, recent myocardial infarction

symptomatic peripheral vascular disease; untreatable aorto-iliac disease

significant, irreversible hepatic disease


significant, irreversible pulmonary disease


any systemic illness that would severely limit life expectancy or compromise recovery


positive lymphocytotoxic cross-match


history of malignancy treated within the past 2 years (exception: nonmelanoma skin carcinoma)




• I would think the presence of metastatic cancer would serve as an absolute contraindication.


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