
The AAPT(ACTTION-APS Pain Taxonomy) published criteria for the diagnosis of chronic pain associated with sickle cell disease. The authors represent a collaboration between the Analgesic, Anesthetic, and Addiction Clinical Trail Translations Innovations Opportunities and Networks (ACTTION), the Food and Drug Administration and the American Pain Society (APS).

Criteria for the diagnosis of chronic pain in a patient with sickle cell disease:

(1) presence of sickle cell disease, confirmed by laboratory testing

(2) ongoing pain in a single or multiple locations that is present for the majority of days over the past 6 months

(3) one or more of the following:

(3a) focal pain or tenderness on palpation

(3b) pain on movement

(3c) decreased range of motion and/or in a region with pain

(3d) skin ulcer in the region with pain

(3e) bone infarction or avascular necrosis on imaging studies of region with pain

(3f) evidence of visceral lesions (pancreatitis, splenic infarct, etc) in region with pain

(4) The pain cannot be better explained by another diagnosis.


Diagnostic modifiers:

(1) without contributory disease complications (leg ulcers, bone infarcts, etc)

(2) with contributory disease complications

(3) mixed (pain associated with contributory disease complications AND pain in one or more areas without contributory disease complications)

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