
Most people do not consider an older adult to be at risk for HIV infection but they are. The risk has increased with the availability of Viagra and similar medications. Certain clinical findings should raise the possibility and prompt appropriate testing.

Risk factors:

(1) homosexual activity

(2) use of prostitutes

(3) multiple sexual partners


Clinical findings:

(1) unexplained oral thrush

(2) esophageal candidiasis

(3) unintended weight loss

(4) cognitive impairment

(5) fatigue and generalized malaise

(6) lymphadenopathy

(7) recurrent bacterial pneumonia

(8) other sexually transmitted diseases


Laboratory findings:

(1) unexplained pancytopenia


Differential diagnosis - may contribute to a delay in diagnosis:

(1) occult malignancy

(2) myelodysplasia

(3) dementia

(4) aging


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