
Consolaro et al developed 3 Juvenile Arthritis Activity Scores (JADAS) with different numbers of joints counted. The simplest version was the JADAS-10. The authors are from multiple institutions in Italy.

Patient selection: juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA)



(1) number of joints affected, up to a maximum of 10

(2) physician global assessment on a 10 cm VAS scale

(3) patient or parent global assessment on a 10 cm VAS scale

(4) ESR in mm in first hour, scored to give points from 0 to 10


points for joints affected =

= MIN(10, (number of joints affected)



Points Assigned

< 20


20 to 120


> 120



total score =

= SUM(points for all 4 parameters)



• minimum score: 0

• maximum score: 40

• The higher the score the more severe the disease.

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