
Lupin beans are grown around the world. While often used as feed for livestock, the bean may also be consumed by humans. Proper preparation is important to minimize the risk of intoxication with quinolizidine alkaloids that can cause an anticholinergic reaction.


First, determine if the beans require detoxification:

(1) If the strain has been chemically analyzed, then strains with low alkaloid content do not need to be detoxified while those with a high alkaloid content do.

(2) As a rule of thumb, sweet tasting beans have a low alkaloid content and do not need to be detoxified. Bitter tasting beans will have a high alkaloid content and need to be detoxified; High alkaloid strains tend to be larger in size than the low alkaloid strains.

(3) If in doubt, detoxify.


Detoxification process:

(1) Soak the beans in water for 24 hours with a water of 1 cup beans to 6 cups water.

(2) Drain the beans and rinse.

(3) Boil the beans in water for 10 minutes.

(4) Drain the beans and rinse.

(5) Repeat steps 1 to 4 for 5 to 7 days.

(6) Taste the beans for bitterness. If bitter, continue steps 1 to 4.

(7) Once the beans are no longer bitter, then they can be prepared for eating.


Minimum period of preparation: 6 days


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