
The management of a patient with drug-induced lupus is determined by the clinical signs and symptoms.


Patient selection: Development of a positive ANA during drug therapy


If the patient is asymptomatic, then drug therapy can be continued.


If the patient develops symptoms, then the drug should be stopped permanently.

Signs and Symptoms


mild constitutional and/or musculoskeletal

none or aspirin/NSAIDS

skin with joint manifestations

hydroxychloroquine po

pleurisy, nephritis, pericarditis, or other severe condition

short-term low-dose corticosteroids



• Constitutional symptoms include low grade fever, malaise, and/or fatigue.


With drug-induced lupus, both the positive ANA and any clinical symptoms will revert if the drug is discontinued, although it may take several months (up to 2 years).


Differential diagnosis: Systemic lupus erythematosus, with onset during the drug therapy.


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