
Lily of the Valley (Convallaria majalis) may be associated with a number of toxic signs and symptoms.


Synonym: Convallaria, May lily, sneezeweed


Toxic components: cardiac glycosides (convalatoxin, convallarin, convallamarin), saponins (which act as an irritant)


Sources of exposure:

(1) intentional - as a medical herb

(2) accidental - confusion with another herb or as a contaminant

(3) accidental - drinking of water in which plants were placed


Clinical signs and symptoms:

(1) diuresis

(2) cardiac toxicity with arrhythmias

(3) nausea and vomiting

(4) abdominal pain and/or diarrhea

(5) contact dermatitis

(6) sneezing

(7) headache

(8) mouth irritation

(9) dizziness and/or mental confusion

(10) mydriasis


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