
Powdered infant formula containing poorly soluble powdered milk may form amorphous globules within the intestine with bowel obstruction. Infants with decreased intestinal motility may be at increased risk.

Clinical features:

(1) usually involves a premature infant, but may occur in a full-term infant who has had surgery or been ill

(2) presents with evidence of intestinal obstruction

(3) history of being fed on a formula with a high concentration of powdered milk

(4) may have palpable intestines

(5) evacuation of hardened, putty-like curd pellets after barium enema


Radiographs of abdomen:

(1) opaque (gray to white) amorphous, round to elongated intraluminal masses surrounded by a zone of air and lacking a fluid level

(2) barium enema shows a narrow colon with rounded intraluminal filling defects


Differential diagnosis:

(1) meconium ileus (frothy masses or non-opaque ground glass appearance on radiographs)

(2) intestinal atresia



(1) A Gastrografin enema may be effective in relieving the obstruction.

(2) Some infants may develop an intestinal perforation and require surgical repair.

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