
Visually impaired patients using a seeing-eye dog may be accompanied into a health care facility by the dog provided certain precautions are taken. Certain compromises can be made provided they do not jeopardize patient health.



(1) The dog must have been specifically trained as a guide dog.

(2) The dog should not be allowed into the facility if any of the following are present: fever, skin lesions, gastroenteritis, flea infestation, general ill-health, general filth.

(3) The dog should not be allowed access to patients who are

(3a) immunocompromised or immunosuppressed.

(3b) have phobias about dogs

(3c) have severe allergy to dog-related allergens

(3d) psychotic and/or hallucinating

(4) The patient should not be allowed access to the following care areas:

(4a) intensive care unit

(4b) burn unit

(4c) surgical suites

(4d) obstetrical wards

(4e) sterile supply storage

(5) In general, the dog can have access to areas of the health care facility accessible to the public.

(6) The dog should only defecate outside of the health care facility.

(7) The dog should not be fed in the health care facility.

(8) People coming in direct contact with the animal should wash their hands carefully with soap and water.


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