
Transient microalbuminuria may occur with a number of conditions. The diagnosis of diabetic nephropathy requires at least 2 out of 3 urine specimens showing microalbuminuria over a 6 month period.


Causes of a transient microalbuminuria:

(1) fever

(2) urinary tract or other infection

(3) moderate to severe hypertension

(4) recent strenuous exercise (within past 24 hours)

(5) congestive heart failure

(6) transient severe hyperglycemia



• The Standards from 2004 included hematuria as a cause. Some hematuria may occur with a urinary tract infection.

• Congestive heart failure is associated with high venous pressures.


If microalbuminuria is present and one or more of these conditions are identified, then repeat testing once the condition has cleared.


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