
A process in the head and neck often drains to regional lymph nodes. The location of the affected node(s) may suggest the possible site of origin for this process.


Anatomic Location


submental, submandibular

Level I

upper jugular

Level II


Level III


Level IV

posterior triangle

Level V


Level VI




Possible Sites of Origin

Level I

skin of lower face, lip, oral cavity

Level II

tonsil, base of tongue, parotid gland

Level III

hypopharynx, larynx, thyroid gland

Level IV

hypopharynx, larynx, thyroid gland, sites outside of the head and neck (lung, breast, GI tract, GU tract)

Level V

scalp, nasopharynx, malignant lymphoma

Level VI

larynx, thyroid gland


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