
Are you trying to reduce the risk of attempted suicide in the Emergency Department?

Is there an area designated as a mental health holding area?

Is a survey performed regularly for possible suicide hazards using a protocol and checklist?

Does the patient's room have anchor points for hanging?

Does the patient's room have any scalpels, scissors or other sharps?

Is there medical equipment in the patient's room?

Are there any drugs in the patient's room?

Is there an uncontrolled exit accessible by the patient?

Have you developed policies for managing sucidial patients

Are patients thoroughly searched for any items or contraband that could be used to commit suicide?

Are all visitors required to show items brought for the patient ?

Is there a system for documenting and investigating all events that occur?

Is/Has the person given responsibility for observing the patient?

• a family member, friend or acquaintance?

• ever called away to assist elsewhere in the ED?

• able to immediately get assistance?

• been thoroughly trained prior to be given the task?


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