
The presence of certain clinical or oral findings may indicate that a removable dental prostheses such as dentures is not optimal therapy for a patient.


Conditions that may be a problem for a patient with dentures:

(1) denture retention compromised by severe morphologic problems in the supporting structures

(2) poor coordination of oral musculature

(3) mucosal tissues that are friable or that have a low tolerance to abrasion or adhesives

(4) personal habits that result in instability of the dentures and/or soreness of the underlying mucosal surfaces

(5) prosthodontic expectations that are unrealistic

(6) wearing dentures triggers the gag reflex regularly

(7) psychologically unable to wear dentures despite optimum function

(8) number and location of residual teeth unfavorable for use as abutments

(9) single tooth loss and unable to use adjacent teeth as abutments


A patient with one or more of these findings should be evaluated for an alternative therapy, such as an tissue-integrated prosthesis.


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