
Cathartics can be helpful in speeding the transit time of bowel contents. However, there is no evidence that they improve clinical outcomes. In addition, their misuse can result in serious complications.


Agents available:

(1) sorbitol (osmotically active sugar)

(2) saline

(2a) magnesium citrate

(2b) magnesium sulfate

(2c) sodium sulfate

(2d) disodium phosphate



(1) reduction in constipation associated with multiple doses of activated charcoal

(2) exposure to toxins with constipatory effect



(1) volume depletion and dehydration

(2) corrosives (strong acids or bases)

(3) severe diarrhea (not needed)

(4) adynamic or dynamic ileus

(5) absent bowel sounds

(6) severe electrolyte imbalances

(7) recent bowel surgery



• Gastrointestinal hemorrhage was not listed but might be a relative contraindication depending on its severity.


Unpleasant side-effects and complications:

(1) watery diarrhea

(2) abdominal cramping and discomfort

(3) abdominal distention

(4) dehydration

(5) hypernatremia

(6) hypermagnesemia if magnesium cathartic used


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