
Uridine can be used to treat a patient with 5-fluoruracil toxicity.


Situations where 5-FU toxicity may occur:

(1) high dose 5-FU

(2) dose miscalculation

(3) infusion pump malfunction or other administration error

(4) DPD deficiency


5-FU toxicity may be associated with:

(1) myelosuppression

(2) cardiotoxicity

(3) encephalopathy

(4) gastrointestinal toxicity (mucositis, diarrhea, etc)


Uridine triacetate can be given orally (10 g every 6 hours for 5 days = 20 doses or 200 g) as soon as possible after the toxic exposure.


Alternative routes of administration may include:

(1) intravenous infusion: associated with deep vein thrombosis or cellulitis

(2) subcutaneous infusion.


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