
A clinical algorithm may perform well in one location but not in another. Reasons for failure of transportability can sometimes by identified by troubleshooting.


Reasons for failure of an algorithm to perform as expected - analytical:

(1) difference in analytical method and/or reference range for a laboratory test

(2) differences in samples and sample handling

(3) difference in quality and type of imaging studies


Reasons for failure of an algorithm to perform as expected - clinical:

(1) differences in clinical expertise

(2) differences in management, including therapies available

(3) differences in resources available


Reasons for failure of an algorithm to perform as expected - population:

(1) differences in population (age, gender, race)

(2) difference in severity of target disorder

(3) differences in comorbidities

(4) failure to follow inclusion and exclusion criteria


Reasons for failure of an algorithm to perform as expected - analytical:

(1) error in study design or data analysis at initial site (overfitting of data, hidden bias, study size, etc)

(2) difference in time intervals

(3) differences in outcome measures


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