
Endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration (EBUS-TBNA) can be an effective diagnostic tool. A number of factors may determine just how effective it is for a given patient.


Factors related to the sites selected:

(1) enlarged lymph node >= 10 mm in diameter

(2) site positive on PET scan

(3) accessible location

(4) type of pathologic process(es) affecting the site


Factors related to the aspiration process:

(1) number of sites sampled

(2) number of aspirates performed

(3) type of needle and equipment being used

(4) premature discontinuation of the procedure, due to complications or other cause


Factors related to the people involved and healthcare center:

(1) experience of the operator

(2) large number of EBUS-TBNA performed at the facility

(3) rapid and accurate cytologic assessment of material

(4) availability of appropriate studies (flow cytometry, etc)


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