
Rose developed a questionnaire to screen for intermittent claudication. This has been used by the World Health Organization (WHO) in epidemiologic studies. Dr Rose was from the London School of Hygiene.


The questionnaire consists of 8 simple questions related to the symptoms of claudication.




Criteria used by Rose for intermittent claudication (Rose 1962, page 649):

(1) its site must include one or both calves

(2) it must be provoked by either hurrying or walking uphill (or by walking on the level for those who do not attempt more)

(3) it must never start at rest

(4) it must make the subject either stop or slacken the walking pace

(5) it must disappear in the majority of occasions within 10 minutes or less after the patient stands still

(6) it must never disappear if the patient continues walking


The patient is positive for claudication when the responses are:

(1) Yes

(2) No

(3) Yes

(4) Yes

(6) No

(7) stop or slow down

(8) usually disappears in 10 minutes or less


Grading of intermittent claudication:

(5) No: Grade 1

(5) Yes: Grade 2



• The specificity is high.

• The sensitivity varies: In the initial series it was 92% but others have found this to be 60-68%.



• Leng and Fowkes found that the questionnaire had a reduced sensitivity, with false negatives traced to the sixth question (disappearance of pain while still walking). To improve upon the problems identified, they developed the Edinburgh Claudication Questionnaire (next section).


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