
The interaction between sperm and cervical mucus can be evaluated using the capillary tube test. This measures the ability of spermatozoa to penetrate a column of cervical mucus in a capillary tube.



(1) The apparatus is described on pages 110-111 of the WHO Manual (1999). This involves capillary tubes filled with cervical mucus having one end sealed and the other placed in a cup-shaped reservoir into which the patient's sperm is placed.

(2) The sperm should not be more than 1 hour post-ejaculation.

(3) The tubes are placed on a gradated slide to allow distance measurements along the capillary tube. This is then placed in a Petri dish holding a damp sponge to prevent drying of the samples.

(4) Initial readings are done at 2 hours.

(5) At 24 hours a reading of sperm movement is made.


Parameters measured:

(1) migration distance

(2) penetration density (number of sperm per low power microscopic field)

(3) migration reduction (change in rank order numbers)

(4) duration of progressive movements of sperm in the cervical mucus


migration distance at 2 hours =

= distance in cm that the sperm have migrated from the reservoir


penetration density at 2 hours =

= mean number of sperm per low power field in 5 microscopic fields



• The examination is done at 1 cm and 4.5 cm along the capillary tube.

• The examination is done at low power with 10x objective and 10x ocular lenses.

• The larger of the two values is used for classification of the test results.

Penetration Density

Rank Order Number



1 - 5


6 - 10


11 - 20


21 - 50


51 - 100


> 100



migration reduction from 1 to 4.5 cm at 2 hours =

= (rank order number at 1 cm) - (rank order number at 4.5 cm)


duration of progressive movements =

= number of hours forward motility is demonstrated by the spermatozoa in the cervical mucus



• The evaluation for motility is determined at 2 and 24 hours.




Test Findings


migration distance <=1 cm, AND

penetration density at 1 cm = 0


migration distance < 3 cm, OR

penetration density < 10, OR

migration reduction > 3, OR

duration of movements in mucus <= 2 hours


migration distance = 4.5 cm, AND

penetration density > 50, AND

migration reduction < 3, AND

duration of movements in mucus > 24 hours


all other combinations



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