
Tarantulas are large, hairy spiders that non-aggressive to humans but which may inflict injury if attacked.


Family: Theraphosidae


Distribution: tropics


Defense mechanisms:

(1) bite

(2) urticating hairs (in some species)


Risk factors:

(1) intoxication

(2) young male


A bite may be associated with severe local pain but not a systemic reaction unless it becomes infected.


Urticating hairs are present on the abdomen of some species. These are projected by the rear feet of the spider as a shower of particles onto a pursuer. If these lodge in the skin then they can cause an urticarial reaction with intense burning and itching. If the hairs lodge into the eyes, they can cause a conjunctivitis. If they lodge in the cornea they can cause ophthalmia nodosa, which may progress to blindness.


People with arachnophobia may have a panic attack following contact with a tarantula or any other spider.


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